Back PULL: Protecting User-Level Losses - A Novel Automated Market Maker for Decentralized Exchange

PULL: Protecting User-Level Losses - A Novel Automated Market Maker for Decentralized Exchange

PULL: Protecting User-Level Losses - A Novel Automated Market Maker for Decentralized Exchange

This project will implement a blockchain-based decentralized token exchange (DEX) framework, addressing the significant costs being incurred by existing DEXs at present. DEXs are protocols run atop blockchains. Blockchains can be thought of as public  computers, with computer updates allowed once every few  seconds or minutes, with each update controlled by one player or group of players called block producers. The sequential, delayed, and monopolized nature of these updates creates risk free arbitrage opportunities for block producers against current DEXs, and their users.

Principal researchers

Vanesa Daza


Conor McMenamin